Hello, I’m Francesco and I’m a first-year PhD student at University of Trieste and at AREA Science Park, under the supervision of Alberto Cazzaniga.

I’m currently working on Mechanistic Interpretability and NLP4Good (with a focus on the applications of NLP to healtcare), where I’m mostly interested in the intersection between geometrical and causal tools for interpretability.

Previusly I was an intern at Max-Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, in the Empirical Inference department (Director Prof. Bernhard Schölkopf), working under the supervision of Zhijing Jin, where I wrote part of my master thesis.

I’m also a sailor and recently I started to learn climbing. I grew up in a small town in the center of Italy, but I’m currently living in Trieste, a beautiful city on the sea in the north-east of Italy.



I've started a PhD at University of Trieste and AREA Science Park. 🚀 .


Our paper (and my first one!) has been accepted to ACL 2024! 🎉 🎉 Check out our work here .


I've started to work as a Early Stage Researcher at AREA Science Park. I'll be working on LLMs and Interpretability.


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Early Stage Researcher (Borsista di Ricerca)

AREA Science Park

Trieste, Italy

Jan. 2024 - July 2024

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Research Intern

Max-Planck Institute of Intelligent Systems

Tubingen, Germany

Sep. 2023 - Jan. 2024

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Machine Learning Engineering Intern


Trieste, Italy

Feb. 2023 - Apr. 2023


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PhD in Applied Data Science & AI

University of Trieste

Trieste, Italy

2024 - Now

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MSc in Data Science and Scientific Computing

University of Trieste, SISSA, ICTP

Trieste, Italy


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BSc in Mathematics

University of Rome La Sapienza

Rome, Italy